The Apartment Electric Sewing Machine

When the Free Sewing Machine Company began collaborating with Westinghouse in the 1920's, they started by taking some of the older models that had carried over from the Illinois Sewing Machine Company--which was purchased by Will C. Free in the early 1900's--and adding Westinghouse's direct-drive enclosed motors to them as a compact, portable alternative to a treadle machine.

1928 Ad for an Apartment Electric Sewing Machine

The cover has no key but a turning latch. A similar bentwood case was used with White sewing machines.

Beautiful, balanced stitches
The Apartment Electric came with a full complement of attachments, including hemming feet, a quilting guide and a tuck marker.

The machine heads used for Apartment Electric sewing machines were previously badged as New Royal machines when they were made and sold by the Illinois Sewing Machine Company. One version used a leaf-style tension; the version pictured here uses the tension discs. Here is a little video showing the machine working. I also demonstrate placing a piece of cardboard between the balance wheel and motor to preserve the life of the motor pulley bushing when not in use.

And here is a link to the manual, which will also be helpful for using some New Royal machines.



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